Sandbox Predefined Fields and Values
DO NOT perform load testing or production data testing in the sandbox environment. Please use the sandbox ONLY to view sample API responses to HTTP requests using our predefined values and to familiarize yourself with our APIs.
For load testing and production data testing, we recommend using our APIs in the production environment.
For testing the APIs in the sandbox environment, you can edit the request body and send it to the API engine to see what kinds of responses you will get.
The sandbox returns a canned response based on the received data. There is no validation check or confirmation of specifically required information. These checks would only occur in the production environment. You have to manually review the companion guides offered by the specific payers to confirm what is required for each.
The following table provides provides a set of predefined fields and values that you can apply to see how the API works in the sandbox. It uses simulated Medical Service ID and Personal Medical Information (PMI).
For sandbox usage, all fields must have the correct predefined values to obtain a successful response. Inventing new PMI values or using real-world PMI values will result in errors. Please provide all of the values, such as
, and so on marked as required (R) (see) in your API requests.
For successful use of APIs in the sandbox, you must use these "pseudo patient" and “pseudo provider” values for testing the APIs.
Avoid using real-world values in our sandbox API endpoints! Doing so will produce errors.
You can edit the fields in the HTTP request body to see how the API works with changes to the data. In the sandbox, you are limited to a specific set of values.
The JSON attributes in our APIs use snake-case, with the first letter of the attribute in lower case as in
. Our APIs are case-sensitive and your JSON request body must observe this convention.
The following Eligibility JSON fields must have one of the listed predefined values shown below.
Field Name | Values |
controlNumber | "000000001", "000000002", "000000003", "000000004", "123456789" |
memberId | "0000000000", "0000000001", "0000000002", "1234567890", "0000000004", "0000000005", "0000000006","0000000007", "123456789" (alpha-numeric only and no spaces are allowed) |
firstName | "johnone", "johntwo", "janeone", "janetwo" |
lastName | "doeone", "doetwo" |
middleName | "middleone", "middletwo" |
gender | "m", "f" |
dateOfBirth | "18800102", "18800101", "18160421", "19800101", "19800102", "20000101", "20000102" |
ssn | "000000000", "555443333", "111111111", "000000001", "891234567", "123456789" |
groupNumber | "0000000000", "1111111111", "1234567891", "0000000001", "0000000002", "0000000003", "0000000004", "0000000005" |
address1 | "123 address1", "000 address1" |
address2 | "apt 123", "apt 000", "123", "000" |
city | "city1", "city2" |
state | "wa", "tn" |
postalCode | "981010000", "372030000" |
employerId | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002", "000000000", "123456789", "123456" |
propertyCasualtyClaimNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
patientControlNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
priorAuthorizationNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
referralNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
repricedClaimNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
investigationalDeviceExemptionNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
claimNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
name | "johnone doeone", "johntwo doetwo", "janeone doeone", "janetwo doetwo", "submitter contact info" |
phoneNumber | "0000000000", "123456789", "0000000001", "0000000002" |
faxNumber | "0000000000", "123456789", "0000000001", "0000000002" |
email | "[email protected]", "[email protected]" |
stateLicenseNumber | "0000000", "0000001", "123456" |
contractVersionIdentifier | "111111", "222222", "123456" |
priorAuthorizationNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
referralNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
claimControlNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
cliaNumber | "12D4567890", "00D0000001" |
mammographyCertificationNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
medicalRecordNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
demoProjectIdentifier | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
carePlanOversightNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
policyNumber | "00000", "12345", "00001", "00002" |
npi | "1760854442", "1942788757", "0123456789" |
organizationName | "happy doctors group", "happy doctors grouppractice","extra healthy insurance", "regional ppo network" |
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Updated 11 months ago