Institutional Claims Request & Response

The following example is brief compared to what can apply in a real-world transaction.

POST[validation|submission] HTTP/1.1
Host: ${apigee_host}
Authorization:Bearer <Your-Access-Token>
Content-Type: application/json

  "controlNumber": "000000001",
  "tradingPartnerServiceId": "9496",
  "submitter" : {
    "organizationName" : "happy doctors group",
    "contactInformation": {
      "name": "janetwo doetwo",
      "phoneNumber": "123456789",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "faxNumber": "123456789"
  "receiver": {
    "organizationName": "EXTRA HEALTHY INSURANCE",
  "subscriber" : {
    "memberId": "0000000001",
    "paymentResponsibilityLevelCode": "P",
    "firstName": "johnOne",
    "lastName": "doeOne",
    "gender": "M",
    "dateOfBirth": "19800101",
    "address": {
      "address1": "123 address1",
      "city": "city1",
      "state": "wa",
      "postalCode": "981010000"
  "providers": [{
    "providerType": "BillingProvider",
    "npi": "1760854442",
    "employerId": "123456789",
    "organizationName": "HAPPY DOCTORS GROUPPRACTICE",
    "address": {
      "address1": "123 address1",
      "city": "city1",
      "state": "wa",
      "postalCode": "981010000"
  "claimInformation" : {
    "claimFilingCode": "CI",
    "patientControlNumber": "12345",
    "claimChargeAmount": "3.75",
    "placeOfServiceCode": "11",
    "claimFrequencyCode": "1",
    "signatureIndicator": "Y",
    "planParticipationCode": "A",
    "releaseInformationCode": "Y",
    "benefitsAssignmentCertificationIndicator": "Y",
    "claimDateInformation": {
      "statementBeginDate": "20181209",
      "statementEndDate": "20181214",
      "admissionDateAndHour": "201810131242"
    "claimCodeInformation": {
      "admissionTypeCode": "1",
      "patientStatusCode": "10",
      "admissionSourceCode": "7"
      "assignedNumber": "1",
      "institutionalService": {
        "serviceLineRevenueCode": "1",
        "lineItemChargeAmount":  "72.50",
        "measurementUnit": "UN",
        "serviceUnitCount": "1"
    "principalDiagnosis": {
      "qualifierCode": "ABK",
      "principalDiagnosisCode": "S93401A",
      "presentOnAdmissionIndicator":  "Y"
    "admittingDiagnosis":{"qualifierCode": "ABJ",
      "admittingDiagnosisCode": "S93401A"
    "otherSubscriberInformation": {
      "paymentResponsibilityLevelCode": "A",
      "individualRelationshipCode": "19",
      "benefitsAssignmentCertificationIndicator": "Y",
      "claimFilingIndicatorCode": "11",
      "releaseOfInformationCode": "Y",
        "otherPayerOrganizationName": "ABC Insurance Co",
        "otherPayerIdentifierTypeCode": "PI",
        "otherPayerIdentifier": "11122333"

      "otherSubscriberName": {
        "otherInsuredQualifier": "1",
        "otherInsuredLastName": "DOE",
        "otherInsuredIdentifierTypeCode": "MI",
        "otherInsuredIdentifier": "123456"



In its header section, the request body supports use of either the tradingPartnerServiceId or the serviceId as the required payer identification.

The submitter object describes the information for the medical institution submitting the transaction. The core claimInformation object follows the provider information. It contains the insurance coding for the claim.

The primary elements of a medical claims submission response consist of the aforementioned meta object and a claimReference object. It contains a number of tracking values.

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "controlNumber": "000000001",
    "tradingPartnerServiceId": "9496",
    "claimReference": {
        "correlationId": "210322R999898~66684261175841",
        "submitterId": "009998",
        "customerClaimNumber": "000000001",
        "patientControlNumber": "12345",
        "timeOfResponse": "2021-03-22T19:34:08.85-05:00",
        "claimType": "PRO",
        "formatVersion": "5010",
        "rhclaimNumber": "2108151508527"
    "meta": {
        "submitterId": "999898",
        "senderId": "Xxxx.Xxxxxx",
        "billerId": "009998",
        "traceId": "900773a9-c0ba-6aa2-0f61-cfcc30a0200f",
        "applicationMode": "pro"
    "editStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "payer": {
        "payerName": "Unknown",
        "payerID": "9496"

The first response you get back from the clearinghouse does not indicate whether the claim is being paid; it indicates that the clearinghouse has accepted the claim, and is getting ready to forward it to the payer.

Institutional Claims API Response ExampleDescription
json { "status": "SUCCESS", "controlNumber": "000000001", "tradingPartnerServiceId": "9496", "claimReference": { "correlationId": "210322R999898~66684261175841", "submitterId": "009998", "customerClaimNumber": "000000001", "patientControlNumber": "12345", "timeOfResponse": "2021-03-22T19:34:08.85-05:00", "claimType": "PRO", "formatVersion": "5010", "rhclaimNumber": "2108151508527" }, "meta": { "submitterId": "999898", "senderId": "Xxxx.Xxxxxx", "billerId": "009998", "traceId": "900773a9-c0ba-6aa2-0f61-cfcc30a0200f", "applicationMode": "pro" }, "editStatus": "SUCCESS", "payer": { "payerName": "Unknown", "payerID": "9496" }, claimReference is the response's main object. Key values are:

  • customerClaimNumber: An additional claim tracking number assigned by the clearinghouse.

  • correlationId: Used to track claims submission requests with Optum support.

  • submitterId: Describes the entity that submitted the claim. Value is in Loop 1000A, element NM109.

  • patientControlNumber: Echoes the patient controlNumber back from the original request.
    ✍️ In the sandbox request, using value: test00005 (lower case and not uppercase), for
    fieldName: patientControlNumber returns a EDITS canned response.

  • timeOfResponse: Date and time of the response from the clearinghouse.

  • formatVersion: Describes the X12 EDI version to which the claim conforms.

  • claimType: "PRO" for Professional or "INST" for Institutional.

  • rhClaimNumber: Unique claim number to track the claim at the Change Healthcare clearinghouse.
    📝 You can use this value to search for the claim in the ConnectCenter and check for updates.