Integrated Rules Institutional Claims JSON-to-EDI Contents
Use our OpenAPI Spec JSON file as a reference for development. Notes on the data in the following sections include:
- The Constraints column describes the minimum and maximum number of alphanumeric characters that a field entry can occupy: for example, 1/60 R is a Required field with a minimum of one and maximum of 60 characters.
- If a field is required, then the Constraints entry notes it.
For the Constraints column in each table, the following letters stand for specific meanings:
- R = Required (must be used if/when the object is part of the transaction);
- S = Situational (may be required depending on how the transaction content is structured).
Situational loops, segments, or elements can be Situational in two forms:
- Required
a condition is met, but can be used at the discretion of the sender if it is not required (for example, some descriptive notes can be added to a claim if necessary); - Required
a condition is met, but if not, the sender must not use it in the request ("Do not send").
To obtain a license that also provides access to the full requirements for these transactions, visit We make every effort to ensure consistency between our APIs and the X12 TR3. If there is a discrepancy, then the X12 TR3 is the final authority.
The Consolidated 837i Implementation Guide page 53 discusses this in further detail.
To obtain a license that also provides access to the full requirements for these transactions, visit We make every effort to ensure consistency between our APIs and the X12 TR3. If there is a discrepancy, the X12 TR3 is the final authority.
Institutional Claims Request JSON-to-EDI mapping
Other Subscriber Information (2320)
Claim Supplemental/Report Information (Paperwork)
Claim Supplemental/Reference Information
Diagnosis Related Group Information
Other Diagnosis Information List
Principal Procedure Information
Other Procedure Information List
Occurrence Span Information List
Integrated Rules Institutional Claims JSON-to-EDI mapping
Field | Description | C/R |
controlNumber | Transaction Set Control Number. This is provided by the submitter. Unique ID used to trace the request. Value goes in ISA13 (no loop). | R 9/9 |
tradingPartnerServiceId | ID used by the clearinghouse for the trading partner. Loop 2100A, NM109. You can use the ConnectCenter CPID value as the tradingPartnerServiceId from the searchable Optum Payer List. | 2/80 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
submitter (Object) | Identification of the provider, including information, such as the organizationName. | |||
organizationName | NM103 | 1000A | Organization name for the submitter. Can use organization or last name. | 1/60 R |
taxId | NM108 | 1000A | Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) 46. | 1/2 R |
contactInformation | R | |||
name | PER02 | 1000A | Submitter name. | 1/60 R |
phoneNumber | PER04 | 1000A | Phone number of the submitter. PER03 = TE | 1/256 R |
faxNumber | PER04 | 1000A | Fax number of the submitter. PER03 = FX | 1/256 S |
email | PER04 | 1000A | Email address of the submitter. PER03 = EM | 1/256 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
receiver (Object) | R | |||
organizationName | NM103 | 1000B | Organization name for the holder of the insurance policy. | 1/60 R |
taxId | NM108 | 1000B | Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) 46. | 1/2 S |
Contains the information about the person holding the insurance policy.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
subscriber (Object) | Medical insurance subscriber; includes the patient's insurance member ID and insurance policyNumber. | R | ||
lastName | NM103 | 2010BA | The subscriber’s last name as shown on their policy. | 1/60 R |
firstName | NM104 | 2010BA | The subscriber’s first name as shown on their policy. | 1/35 S |
middleName | NM105 | 2010BA | Subscribers middle name. | 1/25 S |
memberId | NM109 | 2010BA | The subscriber’s insurance member ID. NM108 = MI (Standard Unique Health Identifier for each Individual in the United States) | 2/80 R |
ssn | REF02 | 2010BA | Subscriber’s social security number. REF01 = SY | 1/50 S |
standardHealthId | NM109 | 2010BA | Standard health Identifier. NM108 = II (Standard Unique Health Identifier for each U.S. Individual) 📝 Only sent if Member ID is not assigned by payer. | 2/80 S |
paymentResponsibilityLevelCode | SBR01 | 2320 | Code identifying the payer's level of responsibility for payment of claim. Example: P = Primary | 1/1 R |
dateOfBirth | DMG02 | 2010BA | The subscriber’s birth date listed on their policy. Required when the subscriber is the patient. | 1/35 S |
gender | DMG03 | 2010BA | The subscriber’s gender as shown on their policy. F = Female; M = Male; U = Unknown Required when the subscriber is the patient. | 1/1 S |
address (Object) | ||||
address1 | N301 | 2010BA | Subscriber’s address line 1. Required when the subscriber is the patient. | 1/35 S |
address2 | N302 | 2010BA | Subscriber’s address line 2. | 1/35 S |
city | N401 | 2010BA | Subscriber’s city. Required when the subscriber is the patient. | 2/30 S |
state | N402 | 2010BA | Subscriber’s state. Required when the subscriber is the patient and when the claim is inside US or CA. | 2/2 S |
postalCode | N403 | 2010BA | Subscriber’s postal code. Required when the subscriber is the patient and when the claim is inside US or CA. | 3/15 S |
countryCode | N404 | 2010BA | Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
countrySubDivisionCode | N404 | 2010BA | Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherSubscriberInformation (Object) | The insurance policy holder. | S | ||
individualRelationshipCode | SBR02 | 2320 | Code indicating the relationship between two individuals or entities. Example: 01 = Spouse Required when patient is the subscriber. | 2/2 |
policyNumber | SBR03 | 2320 | Deprecated The subscriber’s policy number as shown on their policy. | 1/50 |
groupNumber | SBR03 | 2320 | The subscriber’s group number as shown on their policy. | 1/50 S |
otherInsuredGroupName | SBR04 | 2320 | Plan name. | 1/60 S |
claimFilingIndicatorCode | SBR09 | 2320 | Code identifying the claim type. Example: 13 = Point of Service | 1/2 R |
When the dependent is the patient, elements marked with “R” in the C/R column are required.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
dependent (Object) | Dependent of the policy holder (information about the insurance policy holder's dependent who received the medical services. | S | ||
lastName | NM103 | 2010CA | Dependent’s last name. Required if patient is a dependent of subscriber and cannot be uniquely identified. | 1/60 S |
firstName | NM104 | 2010CA | Dependent’s first name. | 1/35 R |
middleName | NM105 | 2010CA | Dependent’s middle name. | 1/25 S |
dateOfBirth | DMG02 | 2010CA | Dependent’s birth date. Required if patient is a dependent of subscriber and cannot be uniquely identified. | 1/35 S |
gender | DMG03 | 2010CA | Dependent’s gender code. Options: F or M Required if patient is a dependent of subscriber and cannot be uniquely identified. | 1/1 S |
ssn | REF02 | 2010CA | Dependent social security number. REF01 = SY | 1/50 S |
relationshipToSubscriberCode | PAT01 | 2000C | Patient’s relationship to insured. Example: 01 = Spouse Required if patient is a dependent of subscriber and cannot be uniquely identified. | 2/2 R |
Another way to set billing, referring, rendering and attending provider information. If used, it will overwrite anything you send in billing, referring, rendering, and attending.
Loop: 2000A, 2310F, 2310D, 2310A.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
providers (Array of Objects) | The providers involved with the medical claim. | R | ||
providerType | NM101 | As noted. | Code for provider type. 85 = Billing Provider 2010BB 82 = Rendering Provider 2310D DN = Referring Provider 2310F | 2/3 R |
npi | NM109 | As noted. | National Provider Identification value. NM108 = XX Billing Provider 2010AA Rendering 2310D Referring 2310F | 2/80 S |
ssn | REF02 | 2010AA | Provider’s social security number. REF01 = SY | S |
employerId | REF02 | 2010AA | Provider tax ID number. REF01 = EI | 1/50 R |
Obsolete/Deprecated REF02 values for this segment/object include the following: | ||||
commercialNumber locationNumber stateLicenseNumber providerUpinNumber | See otherPayerRenderingProvider and otherPayerReferringProvider for current values. |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
contactInformation (Object) | Each provider's contact information | |||
organizationName | NM103 | 2010AA | Provider’s organization name, you can use organization or last name. | 1/60 R |
lastName | NM103 | 2010AA | Provider last name, you can use organization or last name. | 1/60 R |
firstName | NM104 | 2010AA | Provider first name. | 1/35 S |
middleName | NM105 | 2010AA | Middle initial. | 1/25 S |
address (Object) | ||||
address1 | N301 | 2010AA | Provider’s address line 1. | 1/35 R |
address2 | N302 | 2010AA | Provider’s address line 2. | 1/35 S |
city | N401 | 2010AA | Provider’s city. | 1/60 R |
state | N402 | 2010AA | Provider’s state. Required for claims inside the US/CA. | 1/35 S |
postalCode | N403 | 2010AA | Provider’s postal code. All claims inside the US/CA require a 9-digit zip code. | 3/15 S |
countryCode | N404 | 2010AA | Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
countrySubDivisionCode | N404 | 2010AA | Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
contactInformation (Object) | ||||
name | PER02 | 2010AA | Provider contact name. | 1/60 R |
faxNumber | PER04 | 2010AA | Provider fax number. PER03 = FX | 1/256 S |
phoneNumber | PER04 | 2010AA | Provider contact phone number. PER03 = TE | 1/256 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
billingPayToPlanName (Object) | NM1 | Provide full name and identification of an individual or entity | S | |
organizationName | NM103 | 2010AC | NM103 where, NM102 = 2 | 1/60 R |
identificationCodeQualifier | NM108 | 2010AC | Identification Code Qualifier. If this value is present, NM108 is required. | 1/2 R |
identificationCode | NM109 | 2010AC | If this value is present, NM108 is required. | 2/80 R |
payerIdentificationNumber | REF02 | 2010AC | REF02 where, REF01 = 2U | 1/50 S |
claimOfficeNumber | REF02 | 2010AC | Electronic Transmitter ID Number (ETIN) 46. REF02 where, REF01 = FY | 1/2 S |
taxId | REF02 | 2010AC | REF02 where, REF01 = EI | 9/9 S |
naic | REF02 | 2010AC | REF02 where, REF01 = NF. Employer's Identification Number. | 6/6 S |
address (Object) | R | |||
address1 | N301 | 2010AC | Provider’s address line 1. | 1/35 R |
address2 | N302 | 2010AC | Provider’s address line 2. | 1/35 S |
city | N401 | 2010AC | Provider’s city. | 1/60 R |
state | N402 | 2010AC | Provider’s state or province code. Required for claims in US/CA. | 1/35 S |
postalCode | N403 | 2010AC | Provider’s postal code. All claims inside the US/CA require a 9-digit zip code. | 3/15 R |
countryCode | N404 | 2010AC | Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
countrySubDivisionCode | N404 | 2010AC | Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
billingPayToAddressName (Object) | Billing provider location record. | |||
entityTypeQualifier | NM102 | 2010AB | Billing Provider Qualifier 1 = Person 2 = Non-Person Entity | 1/1 R |
address (Object) | R | |||
address1 | N301 | 2010AB | Billing Provider’s address line 1. | 1/35 R |
address2 | N302 | 2010AB | Billing Provider’s address line 2. | 1/35 S |
city | N401 | 2010AB | Billing Provider’s city. | 1/60 R |
state | N402 | 2010AB | Billing Provider’s state/province. Required for claims in US/CA). | 1/35 R |
postalCode | N403 | 2010AB | Billing Provider’s postal code. All claims inside the US/CA require a 9-digit zip code. | 3/15 R |
countryCode | N404 | 2010AB | Billing Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
countrySubDivisionCode | N404 | 2010AB | Billing Pay-to country code. | 1/35 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
operatingPhysician (Object) | Doctor's information. | |||
organizationName | NM103 | 2010AA | Provider’s organization name, you can use organization or last name. | 1/60 R |
lastName | NM103 | 2010AA | Provider last name, you can use organization or last name). | 1/60 R |
firstName | NM104 | 2010AA | Provider first name. | 1/35 S |
middleName | NM105 | 2010AA | Middle initial. | 1/25 S |
Obsolete/Deprecated REF02 values for this segment/object include the following: | ||||
commercialNumber locationNumber stateLicenseNumber providerUpinNumber | See otherPayerRenderingProvider and otherPayerReferringProvider for current values. |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherOperatingPhysician (Object) | Records for any other physicians involved in the claim. | S | ||
organizationName | NM103 | 2010AA | Provider’s organization name. Can use organization or last name. | 1/60 R |
lastName | NM103 | 2010AA | Provider last name , you can use organization or last name. | 1/60 R |
firstName | NM104 | 2010AA | Provider first name. | 1/35 S |
middleName | NM105 | 2010AA | Middle initial. | 1/25 S |
Obsolete/Deprecated REF02 values for this segment/object include the following: | ||||
commercialNumber locationNumber stateLicenseNumber providerUpinNumber | See otherPayerRenderingProvider and otherPayerReferringProvider for current values. |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherPayerName (Object) | The other organization that pays for the insurance policy. | R | ||
otherPayerOrganizationName | NM103 | 2330B | The Payer’s name as specified on their policy. | 1/60 R |
otherPayerIdentifierTypeCode | NM108 | 2330B | Type of identification. Example: PI = Payer ID Number | 1/2 |
otherPayerIdentifier | NM109 | 2330B | Code identifying a party or other code. | 2/80 R |
otherPayerAddress (Object) | S | |||
address1 | N301 | 2330B | Payer’s address line 1. Required when other payer is payer for the patient. | 1/35 S |
address2 | N302 | 2330B | Payer’s address line 2. | 1/35 S |
city | N401 | 2330B | Payer’s city. Required when other is payer for the patient. | 1/60 S |
state | N402 | 2330B | Payer’s state of residence Required when other payer is payer for the patient. | 1/35 S |
postalCode | N403 | 2330B | Payer’s postal code. Required when other payer is the payer for the patient. | 3/15 S |
countryCode | N404 | 2330B | Country Code. | 1/35 S |
countrySubDivisionCode | N404 | 2330B | Country Sub Division Code. | 1/35 |
otherPayerAdjudicationOrPaymentDate | DTP03 | 2330B | Expression of a date. DTP01 = 573 (Date Claim Paid) DTP02 = D8 | 1/35 |
otherPayerSecondaryIdentifier | R | |||
qualifier | REF01 | 2330B | Other payer secondary identifier . REF01 = 2U/EI/FY/NF | 2/3 |
identifier | REF02 | 2330B | Value of the ID. | 1/50 |
otherPayerClaimAdjustmentIndicator | REF02 | 2330B | Used for payer-to-payer Coordination of Benefits. Required if REF01 = T4 (Signal Code). | 1/50 S |
otherPayerClaimControlNumber | REF02 | 2330B | Used to assist payer-to-payer Coordination of Benefits actions. REF01 = F8 | 1/50 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherPayerReferringProvider (Object) | 2330H | NM101=DN (Referring Provider) NM102=1 (Person) Array[Other Payer Referring Provider] Note: be sure to review the OpenAPI to understand this object | S | |
otherPayerReferringProviderIdentifier | 2330H | NM101 = P3 (Primary Care Provider) NM102=1 (Person) Array[ReferenceIdentification] | R | |
referenceIdentification (Object) | 2330H | R | ||
qualifier | REF01 | 2330H | Type of ID. REF01=0B/1G/G2 OB - State License Number 1G - Provider UPIN Number G2 - Provider Commercial Number | 2/3 S |
identifier | REF02 | 2330H | REF01 ID/number. | 1/50 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherPayerRenderingProvider (Object) | 2330G | Supplies the full name of an individual or organization. | S | |
entityTypeQualifier | 2330G | NM102 | NM101=82 (Rendering Provider) NM102 = 1 (Person) or 2 (Non-Person Entity) | |
otherPayerRenderingProviderIdentifier | REF01 | 2330G | Provider who provided medical care | 1/1 R |
referenceIdentification (Object) | 2330G | REF02 | Reference ID as specified by the transaction set or by the REF01 qualifier | 1/50 R |
qualifier | REF01 | 2330G | Type of ID. REF01=0B/1G/G2: OB - State License Number 1G: Provider UPIN Number G2: Provider Commercial Number LU: Location Number | 2/3 R |
identifier | REF02 | 2330G | REF01 ID/number. | 1/50 R |
See Page 146 of the Consolidated 837 TR3 for more details. Note that the claimChargeAmount
field in this object is the sum total of all service lines' individual lineItemChargeAmount
values. The amount in the claimChargeAmount
MUST equal the sum of all service line charge amounts.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimInformation (Object) | A key block of medical coding information that defines the actual procedures and services rendered for the medical encounter. It contains other JSON blocks including the serviceLines objects that contain the professionalService line item charges and diagnosis information. | |||
claimFilingCode | SBR09 | 2000B | Subscriber claim filing code. Example: 12 = PPO | 1/2R |
propertyCasualtyClaimNumber | REF02 | 2010CA | Patient property and casualty claim number. REF01=Y4 | 1/50 |
patientWeight | PAT08 | Deprecated Patient weight. | 1/10 | |
patientControlNumber | CLM01 | 2300 | Identifier to track a claim from creation by the provider through payment. | 1/38 R |
claimChargeAmount | CLM02 | 2300 | Total claim charge amount. This value must equal the sum total of all service line charge amounts (reported in Loop 2400 SV203 for each service line) | 1/18 R |
placeOfServiceCode | CLM05 -01 | 2300 | Code identifying where services were or may be performed. | 1/2 R |
claimFrequencyCode | CLM05 -03 | 2300 | Code defining claim frequency. | 1/1 R |
signatureIndicator | CLM06 | 2300 | Provider signature is on file indicator. Yes = Y, No = N | 1/1 R |
signatureIndicator | CLM06 | 2300 | Provider signature is on file indicator. Yes = Y, No = N | 1/1 R |
planParticipationCode | CLM07 | 2300 | Code indicating whether the provider accepts assignment. A = Assigned B = Assignment accepted only on clinical lab services C = Not Assigned | 1/1 R |
benefitsAssignmentCertificationIndicator | CLM08 | 2300 | Code indicating the insured or authorized person authorizes benefits to be assigned to the provider. Yes = Y, No = N | 1/1 R |
releaseInformationCode | CLM09 | 2300 | Code indicating whether the provider has on file a patient's signed statement authorizing release of medical data to other organizations. Informed = I, Yes = Y | 1/1 R |
delayReasonCode | CLM20 | 2300 | R for late-submitted claims. If not required, do not send. | S |
patientEstimatedAmountDue | AMT02 | 2300 | Patient responsibility amount. AMT01=F3 | 1/18 S |
fileInformation | K301 | 2300 | Array. Data in fixed format agreed upon by the sender and the receiver | 1/80 |
billingNote | NTE02 | 2300 | Billing comments or special instructions. NTE01=ADD | 1/80 |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimNote (Object) | Information providing informational context for the claim | S | ||
allergies | NTE02 | 2300 | Allergies information. NTE01=ALGClaims | 1/80 S |
goalRehabOrDischargePlans | NTE02 | 2300 | Description goals, rehabilitation potential, or discharge plans. NTE01=DCP | 1/80 S |
diagnosisDescription | NTE02 | 2300 | Diagnosis description. NTE01=DGN | 1/80 S |
dme | NTE02 | 2300 | Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Supplies. NTE01=DME Claims | 1/80 S |
medications | NTE02 | 2300 | Medications notes. NTE01=MEDClaims | 1/80 S |
nutritionalRequirements | NTE02 | 2300 | Nutritional Requirements NTE01=NTRClaims | 1/80 S |
ordersForDisciplinesAndTreatments | NTE02 | 2300 | Orders for Disciplines and Treatments NTE01=ODTClaims | 1/80 S |
functionalLimitsOrReasonHomebound | NTE02 | 2300 | Functional Limitations, Reason Homebound, or Both NTE01=RHBClaims | 1/80 S |
reasonsPatientLeavesHome | NTE02 | 2300 | Reasons Patient Leaves Home NTE01=RLHClaims * | 1/80 S |
timesAndReasonsPatientNotAtHome | NTE02 | 2300 | Times and Reasons Patient Not at Home SET NTE01=RNHClaims | 1/80 S |
unusualHomeOrSocialEnv | NTE02 | 2300 | Unusual Home, Social Environment, or Both NTE01=SETClaims | 1/80 S |
safetyMeasures | NTE02 | 2300 | Safety Measures NTE01=SFMClaims | 1/80 S |
supplementalPlanOfTreatment | NTE02 | 2300 | Supplementary Plan of Treatment NTE01=SPTClaims | 1/80 S |
updatedInformation | NTE02 | 2300 | Updated Information. NTE01=UPIClaims | 1/80 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
epsdtReferral (Object) | Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) | S | ||
responseCode | CRC02 | 2300 | Response to the question: Was an EPSDT referral given to patient? Y = indicates the condition codes in CRC03 to CRC07 apply N = indicates the condition codes in CRC03 to CRC07 do not apply CRC01=ZZ | 1/1 R |
conditionIndicators | CRC03 CRC04 CRC05 | 2300 | Condition indicator. Ex: ST = New Services Requested. Use CRC04 and CRC05 if a second code is necessary. | 2/3 R |
DTP = Date or Time or Period
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimDateInformation (Object) | Date Format: YYYYMMDD | R | ||
statementBeginDate | DTP03 | 2300 | DTP01=434 | 1/35 R |
statementEndDate | DTP03 | 2300 | DTP01=434 | 1/35 R |
dischargeHour | DTP03 | 2300 | Time of discharge. DTP01=096, DTP02=TM Format: CCYYMMDDHHMM | 1/35 R |
repricerReceivedDate | DTP03 | 2300 | Date when the repricer forwarded the claim to the payer DTP01=050 | 1/35 S |
admissionDateAndHour | DTP03 | 2300 | Start of Care date. DTP02=DT; Format CCYYMMDDHHMM. | 1/35 S |
Institutional Claim Code in the TR3.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimCodeInformation (Object) | Some of the medical coding for the claim | R | ||
admissionTypeCode<br><br> | CL101 | 2300 | Priority of the admission or visit | 1/1 R |
admissionSourceCode | CL102 | 2300 | Code indicating the source of the admission. | 1/1 S |
patientStatusCode | CL103 | 2300 | Code indicating patient status as of “statement covers through" date. | 1/2 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimContractInformation (Object) | R for the claim submission when the submitter is contractually bound to supply this data on adjudicated claims. Use the CN1 segment for claims not meeting HIPAA use. See the 837i X12 Implementation Guide page 160 for more information. | S | ||
contractTypeCode | CN101 | 2300 | Code identifying a contract type. Example: 02 = Per Diem | 2/2 R |
contractAmount | CN102 | 2300 | Contract amount. | 1/18 S |
contractPercentage | CN103 | 2300 | Allowance or charge percent. | 1/6 S |
contractCode | CN104 | 2300 | Contract code. | 1/50 S |
termsDiscountPercentage | CN105 | 2300 | Terms discount percentage, stated as %, available to purchaser if an invoice is paid on or before the terms discount due date. | 1/6 S |
contractVersionIdentifier | CN106 | 2300 | Additional identifying number for the contract. | 1/30 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimSupplementalInformation (Object) | Provides references to all attachment documents for the claim | S | ||
reportInformation (Object) | ||||
attachmentReportTypeCode | PWK01 | 2300 | Code indicating document title or contents, report, or supporting item. Example: 08 = Plan of Treatment | 2/2 R |
attachmentTransmissionCode | PWK02 | 2300 | Code defining timing, transmission method or format by which reports are to be sent. Example: BM = By mail. | 1/2 R |
attachmentControlNumber | PWK06 | 2300 | Code identifying a party or other code. R when PWK02 = BM, EL, EM, FX or FT | 2/80 S |
UMO = Utilization Management Organization
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimSupplementalInformation (Object) | Additional claim information. REF01 selection is R. | S | ||
priorAuthorizationNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Pre-auth number assigned by payer or UMO to authorize a service before it is performed. REF01=G1 | 1/50 S |
referralNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Number assigned by the payer or UMO. REF01=9F | 1/50 S |
claimControlNumber | REF02 | 2300 | The number assigned by the payer to identify a claim. The number is usually referred to as: an Internal Control Number (ICN), Claim Control Number (CCN), or a Document Control Number (DCN). REF01=F8 | 1/50 S |
cliaNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) number. REF01=X4 | 1/50 S |
repricedClaimNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Repriced claim number completed by the repricer. REF01=9A | 1/50 S |
adjustedRepricedClaimRefNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Adjusted repriced claim reference number from the repricer. REF01=9C | 1/50 S |
investigationalDeviceExemptionNumber | REF02 | 2300 | FDA investigational device exemption (ID) number. REF01=LX | 1/50 S |
claimNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Clearinghouse Claim ID number REF01=D9 | 1/50 S |
mammographyCertificationNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Mammography certification number. REF01=EW | 1/50 S |
medicalRecordNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Patient's medical record number. REF01=EA | 1/50 S |
demoProjectIdentifier | REF02 | 2300 | Identify atypical claims in content, purpose, or payment, demonstration or special project, or clinical trial. REF01=P4 | 1/50 S |
carePlanOversightNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Phone of home health agency/hospice providing Medicare patient services for the service period. REF01=1J | 1/50 S |
medicareCrossoverReferenceId | REF02 | 2300 | Medicare crossover ID. REF01=F5 | 1/50 S |
serviceAuthorizationExceptionCode | REF02 | 2300 | Service authorization exception code. REF01=4N | 1/50 S |
autoAccidentState | REF02 | 2300 | Auto accident state or province code. REF01=LU | 1/50 S |
peerReviewAuthorizationNumber | REF02 | 2300 | Preauth. number assigned by the payer or UMO to authorize services. REF01=G4 | 1/50 S |
HI – Health Care Information Codes. Used to supply information related to the delivery of health care. This is an array of up to 12 records, that ties the claim to one or more sets of industry code lists that set the standards by which information is reported for the claim.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
conditionCodesList | Array size is 2 | |||
conditionCodes | 2300 | Array of 12 Value of the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) code. | R | |
HI01-02 to HI12-02 | 2300 | Value of the condition code. Min 1, max 12 HI01-01=BG to HI12-01=BG | 1/30 |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
principalDiagnosis (Object) | 2300 | Principal diagnosis | R | |
qualifierCode | HI01-01 | 2300 | Principal diagnosis code. | 1/3 R |
principalDiagnosisCode | HI01-02 | 2300 | Value of the diagnosis code. | 1/30 R |
presentOnAdmissionIndicator | HI01-09 | 2300 | Identifies the diagnosis onset as it relates to the reported diagnosis. U = Unknown W = Not Applicable Y = Yes | 1/1 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
admittingDiagnosis (Object) | 2300 | Admitting diagnosis when the claim includes inpatient admission | S | |
qualifierCode | HI01-01 | 2300 | Admitting diagnosis code. | 1/3 R |
admittingDiagnosisCode | HI01-02 | 2300 | Value of the admitting diagnosis code. | 1/30 R |
Required when a claim involves outpatient visits.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
patientReasonForVisit (Object) | 2300 | Patient’s reason for the visit. | S | |
qualifierCode | HI01-01 HI02-01 HI03-01 | 2300 | Identifies an Industry code list. APR = International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Patient’s Reason for Visit PR = International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Patient’s Reason for Visit | 1/3 R |
patientReasonForVisitCode | HI01-02 HI02-02 HI03-02 | 2300 | Reason for visit code. | 1/30 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
externalCauseOfInjury (Object) | External Cause of Injury | S | ||
qualifierCode | HI01-01 to HI0012-01 | 2300 | Industry code. 12 segments | 1/3 |
externalCauseOfInjury | HI01-02 to HI012-02 | 2300 | External cause of injury value. 12 segments | 1/30 |
presentOnAdmissionIndicator | HI01-09 to HI012-09 | 2300 | Present on admission indicator. 12 segments Y = onset before hospital admission N = onset did NOT occur prior to admission to the hospital U = Unknown if onset occurred before or after hospital admission. | 1/1 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
diagnosisRelatedGroupInformation (Object) | Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) | S | ||
drugRelatedGroupCode | HI01-02 | 2300 | Related drug group code. | 1/30 |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherDiagnosisInformationList (Object) | Other Diagnosis Information segment repeat 2 times | S | ||
otherDiagnosisInformation (Array) | 2300 | Array size up to 12 | ||
qualifierCode | HI01-1 to HI012-1 | 2300 | Industry code. | 1/3 R |
otherDiagnosisCode | HI01-2 to HI012-2 | 2300 | Other diagnosis code value. | 1/30 R |
presentOnAdmissionIndicator | HI01-9 to HI012-9 | 2300 | Present on admission indicator. 12 segments Y = onset before hospital admission N = onset NOT before hospital admission U = Unknown if onset occurred before or after hospital admission | 1/1 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
principalProcedureInformation (Object) | Principal Procedure Information When a procedure is performed for an inpatient claim. | S | ||
qualifierCode | HI01-01 | 2300 | Industry code. BR = International classification of diseases, clinical modification (ICD-9-CM) CAH = Advanced Billing Concepts (ABC) | 1/3 |
principalProcedureCode | HI01-02 | 2300 | Value of the industry Code. | 1/30 R |
principalProcedureDateTime | HI01-03 | 2300 | Principal procedure performed date and time qualifier. D8 = MMDDYYCC | 2/3 R |
principalProcedureDate | HI01-04 | 2300 | Date the principal procedure was performed. Format: MMDDYYCC | 1/38 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
otherProcedureInformationList (Object) | Segment repeat: 2 | S | ||
otherProcedureInformation | Array size up to 12 R | |||
qualifierCode | HI01-01 to HI012-01 | 2300 | Industry Code BQ = International classification of diseases clinical modification (ICD-9-CM), other procedure codes | 1/3 R |
procedureCode | HI01-02 to HI012-02 | 2300 | Industry Code value. | 1/30 R |
procedureDateTime | HI01-03 to HI012-3 | 2300 | Principal procedure performed date and time qualifier. D8 = MMDDYYCC | 2/3 R |
procedureDate | HI01-04 to HI012-04 | 2300 | Date the principal procedure was performed. Format: MMDDYYCC | 1/38 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
occurrenceSpanInformationList (Object) | 2300 | Segment repeat: 2 | S | |
occurrenceSpanInformation | 2300 | Occurrence Span Information Array size up to 12 | R | |
occurrenceSpanCode | HI01-02 to HI012-02 | 2300 | Industry Code. BI = Occurrence Span | 1/3 R |
occurrenceSpanCodeStartDate | HI01-04 to HI012-04 | 2300 | Date Time Period Format Qualifier Format: MMDDYYCC | 2/3 R |
occurrenceSpanCodeEndDate | HI01-04 to HI012-04 | 2300 | Date Time Period Format Qualifier Format: MMDDYYCC | 1/35 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
occurrenceInformationList (Object) | Segment repeat: 2 | S | ||
occurrenceInformation | Occurrence Information Array size up to 12 | R | ||
occurrenceSpanCode | HI01-02 to HI012-02 | 2300 | Industry Code. BI = Occurrence Span | 1/3 R |
occurrenceSpanCodeStartDate | HI01-04 to HI012-04 | 2300 | Date Time Period Format Qualifier | 2/3 R |
occurrenceSpanCodeEndDate | HI01-04 to HI012-04 | 2300 | Occurrence span code date Format: MMDDYYCC | 1/35 R |
Required when a Value Code applies to the claim.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
valueInformationList (Object) | Segment repeat: 2 | S | ||
valueInformation | Value Information Array up to 12 | R | ||
valueCode | HI01-02 to HI012-02 | 2300 | Industry Code. | 1/30 R |
valueCodeAmount | HI01-05 to HI012-05 | 2300 | Monetary Amount. | 1/18 R |
Required when Home Health Agencies need to report Plan of Treatment information
under various payer contracts.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
treatmentCodeInformationList (Object) | Segment repeat: 2 | S | ||
treatmentCodeInformation | Array up to 12 | |||
treatmentCode | HI01-02 to HI12-02 | 2300 | Value of the treatment code. | 1/30 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimPricingInformation (Object) | Pricing/repricing information about a health care claim or line item from the repricer. Specific to Payer in loop 2010BB. | S | ||
pricingMethodologyCode | HCP01 | 2300 | Pricing Methodology. Code for pricing methodology used to price or reprice the claim or line item. | 2/2 R |
repricedAllowedAmount | HCP02 | 2300 | Monetary Amount. Repriced Allowed Amount | 1/18 R |
repricedSavingAmount | HCP03 | 2300 | Monetary Savings amount. Completed by the repricer only. Specific to Payer in loop 2010-BB. | 1/18 S |
repricedOrgIdentifier | HCP04 | 2300 | Reference Identification. Repricing organization identification number. | 1/50 S |
repricedPerDiem | HCP05 | 2300 | Pricing rate associated with per diem or flat rate repricing. | 1/9 S |
repricedApprovedDRGCode | HCP06 | 2300 | Reference information for a transaction set, or by the Reference Identification Qualifier. | 1/50 S |
repricedApprovedAmount | HCP07 | 2300 | Monetary Amount Approved DRG amount. | 1/18 S |
repricedApprovedRevenueCode | HCP08 | 2300 | Completed only by repricer. Revenue Code Approved revenue code. | 1/48 S |
repricedApprovedServiceUnitCode | HCP11 | 2300 | Unit or Basis for Measurement Code. Specifies the value units or method of taking a measurement. | 2/2 S |
repricedApprovedServiceUnitCount | HCP12 | 2300 | # of service units or inpatient days. | 1/50 S |
rejectReasonCode | HCP13 | 2300 | Reject Reason Code assigned by issuer. Identifies the reason for rejection. Example: T4 Payer Name or Identifier Missing. | 2/2 S |
policyComplianceCode | HCP14 | 2300 | Policy Compliance Code specifying policy compliance. Example: 1 = Procedure Followed (Compliance) | 1/2 S |
exceptionCode | HCP15 | 2300 | Code specifying the exception reason for consideration of out-of-network health care services. Example: 2 = Emergency Care | 1/2 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
serviceFacilityLocation (Object) | S | |||
organizationName | NM103 | 2310E | Service facility organization name or individual last name | 1/60 R |
facilityPrimaryIdentifier | NM109 | 2310C | Lab or Facility primary identifier. R when the service location to be identified has an NPI and is not a component/subcomponent of the Billing Provider entity. NM108 = XX | 2/80 S |
address (Object) | S | |||
address1 | N301 | 2310E | First line of facility address information. | 1/55 R |
address2 | N302 | 2310E | Second line of facility address information. | 1/55 S |
city | N401 | 2310E | City in which the facility is located. | 2/30 R |
state | N402 | 2310E | State in which the facility is located. R in US/CA | 2/2 R |
postalCode | N403 | 2310E | Displays the postal code. R in US/CA | 3/15 R |
countryCode | N404 | 2310E | Pay-to countryCode | 1/35 S |
countrySubDivisionCode | N404 | 2310E | Pay-to countryCode | 1/35 S |
At least one of SV201 or SV202 is required. This object also is required when a tax or surcharge applies to the reported service; the submitter must report that information to the receiver. All service lines in the claim provide a lineItemChargeAmount
attribute (SV203). The sum of all service lines' lineItemChargeAmount
values must equal the claimChargeAmount
in the Claim Information
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
serviceLines (Object) | R | |||
assignedNumber | LX01 | 2400 | Service Line Number. The number assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. | 1/6 R |
serviceTaxAmount | AMT02 | 2400 | Service Tax Amount AMT01=GT | 1/18 S |
facilityTaxAmount | AMT02 | 2400 | Facility Tax Amount AMT01=N8 | 1/18 S |
thirdPartyOrganizationNotes | NTE02 | 2400 | Third Party Organization Notes. Required when the repricer sends more information to the payer. NTE01=TPO | 1/80 S |
institutionalService (Object) | SV2 - Institutional Service Line | R | ||
serviceLineRevenueCode | SV201 | 2400 | National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) revenue code identifying a medical product or service. | 1/48 R |
compositeMedicalProcedureIdentifier (Object) | Required for outpatient claims if a procedure code exists for this line item; or for an inpatient claim if an HCPCS or HIPPS code exists for the item. | S | ||
procedureIdentifier | SV202 -01 | 2400 | Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in product/service ID. Example: HC = Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) codes. | 2/2 R |
procedureCode | SV202 -02 | 2400 | Identifying number for the product/service. | 2/2 R |
procedureModifiers | SV202 -03 SV202 -04 SV202 -05 SV202 -06 | 2400 | Identifies special circumstances related to service performance, defined by trading partners. Array up to 4 values. | 2/2 S |
description | SV202 -07 | 2400 | Description of the procedure. Required if SV202-02 value is a non-specific procedure code. | 1/80 S |
lineItemChargeAmount | SV203 | 2400 | Submitted service line item amount. The total charge amount for the service line. All service line charge amounts in this field must equal the total claim charge amount in Loop 2300 CLM02. | 1/18 R |
serviceUnitCount | SV205 | 2400 | Service unit count. If a decimal, the fractional digits limit is 3. | 1/8 R |
lineItemDeniedChargeAmount | SV207 | 2400 | Non-covered service amount. | 1/18 S |
serviceLineSupplementalInformation (Object) | Line Supplemental Information in TR3 | S | ||
attachmentReportTypeCode | PWK01 | 2400 | Code indicating the doc type, report or supporting item. Example: 06 = Initial Assessment | 2/2 R |
attachmentTransmissionCode | PWK02 | 2400 | Code defining timing, transmission method or format for sending reports. Example: BM = By Mail | 1/2 R |
attachmentControlNumber | PWK06 | 2400 | Attachment Control Number. Identifies attached electronic documentation. PWK05=AC | 2/50 S |
serviceLineDateInformation (Object) | Service Date | S | ||
serviceDate | DTP03 | 2400 | Date, time, or range of dates, times, or dates and times. DTP01=472 Service DTP02=D8 Date | 1/35 S |
beginServiceDate | DTP03 | 2400 | Date, time, or range of dates, times, or dates and times. DTP01=472 DTP02=RD8 | 1/35 S |
endServiceDate | DTP03 | 2400 | Date, time, or range of dates, times, or dates and times. DTP01=472 and DTP02=RD8 | 1/35 S |
serviceLineReferenceInformation (Object) | Reference Information | S | ||
providerControlNumber | REF02 | 2400 | Provider control number. REF01=6R (Provider Control number) | 1/50 R |
repricedLineItemRefNumber | REF02 | 2400 | Repriced line item reference number REF01=9B | 1/50 R |
adjustedRepricedLineItemRefNumber | REF02 | 2400 | Adjusted Repriced Line Item Reference Number REF01=9D | 1/50 S |
linePricingInformation (Object) | Health Care Line Pricing/Repricing Information | S | ||
pricingMethodologyCode | HCP01 | 2400 | Pricing Methodology Code. The pricing/repricing method for the claim/line item. | 2/2 R |
repricedAllowedAmount | HCP02 | 2400 | Monetary Amount Allowed amount. | 1/18 R |
repricedSavingAmount | HCP03 | 2400 | Monetary Amount Savings amount. | 1/18 S |
repricedOrganizationIdentifier | HCP04 | 2400 | Reference Identification. Repricing organization ID number. | 1/50 S |
flatRateAmount | HCP05 | 2400 | Pricing rate associated with per diem/flat rate repricing. | 1/9 S |
apgCode | HCP06 | 2400 | Reference Identification Approved DRG code. | 1/50 S |
apgAmount | HCP07 | 2400 | Monetary Amount Approved DRG amount. | 1/18 S |
serviceIdQualifier | HCP09 | 2400 | Product/Service ID Qualifier Code. It identifies the type/source of the number used in the Product/Service ID (234). Ex: ER = Jurisdiction Specific Procedure and Supply Codes | 2/2 S |
repricedApprovedHCPCSCode | HCP10 | 2400 | Product/Service ID Approved procedure code. | 1/48 S |
measurementUnitCode | HCP11 | 2400 | Unit/Basis Measurement Code DA = Days UN = Unit | 2/2 S |
repricedApprovedServiceUnitCount | HCP12 | 2400 | Quantity Approved service units or inpatient days. | 1/15 S |
rejectReasonCode | HCP13 | 2400 | Reject Reason Code rejection message, returned from the third-party organization. | 2/2 S |
policyComplianceCode | HCP14 | 2400 | Policy Compliance Code. Specifies policy compliance. | 1/2 S |
exceptionCode | HCP15 | 2400 | Exception Code showing the reason for consideration of out-of-network health care services. Example: 2 = Emergency Care | 1/2 S |
Loop 2410 contains compound drug components, quantities and prices.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
drugIdentification (Object) | Drug Identification (LIN) | S | ||
serviceIdQualifier | LIN02 | 2410 | Product/Service ID Qualifier Code defining the Product/Service ID value. | 2/2 R |
nationalDrugCode | LIN03 | 2410 | Product/Service ID. Identifying number for a product or service | 1/48 R |
nationalDrugUnitCount | CTP04 | 2410 | Numeric value of quantity. | 1/15 R |
measurementUnitCode | CTP05 -01 | 2410 | Composite Unit of Measure. A code specifying the units representing a value, or a measurement. Example: ME = Milligram | 2/2 R |
Prescription or Compound Drug Association Number (Ref) | ||||
linkSequenceNumber | REF02 | 2410 | Reference Identification Link sequence number. A provider-assigned value, unique to the claim. It enables the receiver to assemble a drug compound. REF01=VY (Link Sequence Number) | 1/50 S |
pharmacyPrescriptionNumber | REF02 | 2410 | Reference Identification. Pharmacy prescription number. REF01=XZ | 1/50 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
lineAdjustmentInformation (Object) | Line Adjudication Information | S | ||
otherPayerPrimaryIdentifier | SVD01 | 2430 | Payer identification code. | 2/80 R |
serviceLinePaidAmount | SVD02 | 2430 | Service line paid amount. This value is the final line-level payment, minus payer adjustments. | 1/18 R |
serviceIdQualifier | SVD03-01 | 2430 | Product/Service ID Qualifier Code. It identifies the descriptive number type/source used in the Product/Service ID (234). | 2/2 R |
procedureCode | SVD03-02 | 2430 | Product/Service ID Number for a product or service. | 1/48 R |
procedureModifiers | SVD03-03 to SVD03-06 | 2430 | Procedure Modifier. Identifies special circumstances about service performance, as defined by trading partners | 2/2 S |
procedureCodeDescription | SVD03-07 | 2430 | Procedure description. | 1/80 S |
paidServiceUnitCount | SVD05 | 2430 | Paid service unit count. Number of paid units from the remittance advice. When paid units are not present, use the original billed units. | 1/15 R |
bundledOrUnbundledLineNumber | SVD06 | 2430 | Bundled Line Number. Used for service line bundling. It references the LX Assigned Number of the service line where the service line was bundled. | 1/6 S |
remainingPatientLiability | AMT02 | 2430 | Amount of remaining patient liability. AMT01=EAF (Amount Owed) | 1/18 S |
claimPaidDate | DTP03 | 2430 | Adjudication or payment date. DT01=573 (Date Claim Paid) DTP02=D8 (Date as CCYYMMDD) Dubbed Remittance Date in TR3. | 1/35 R |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | C/R |
claimAdjustmentInformation (Array) | Repeats 5 times | S | ||
adjustmentGroupCode | CAS01 | 2430 | Claim Adjustment Group Code. It identifies the general category of payment adjustment. Example: CO = Contractual Obligations | 1/2 R |
adjustmentdetails (Array) | Repeats 6 times | |||
adjustmentReasonCode | S | 2430 | Claim Adjustment Reason Code. Describes the reason for the adjustment. CAS02/CAS05/CAS08/CAS11/CAS14 | 1/5 S |
adjustmentAmount | S | 2430 | Monetary amount of the adjustment. CAS03/CAS06/CAS09/CAS12/CAS15 | 1/18 R |
adjustmentQuantity | S | 2430 | Quantity of units of service being adjusted. CAS04/CAS07/CAS10/CAS13/CAS16 | 1/15 S |
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