Metadata Search Feature
Using Metadata search
The Attachment Status API also supports the use of descriptive information, known as metadata, to check for attachment transactions. You do not need the traceId
(the attachment submitted ID returned to submitters or payers when they submit the claim attachment. A traceId
can also be retrieved by calling the following metadata endpoint.) to search for attachment transactions for a particular claim or a patient (this search tool is used for any cases where you do not have the Trace ID). Using the metadata search, you can use a range of dates, patient's name, provider's name, and so on, as a combination search. Add these search criteria into the request body.
Use an HTTP request body to specify the metadata values to search for transaction records. The request body contains a few mandatory values, along with several optional values to improve query accuracy.
When you have more than one match for a search, the API lists all matching transaction records in one response.
Required Metadata search values
All metadata queries must have the following attributes in the request body:
Field | Definition |
submitterId | ID of record for the submitter of the transaction. |
transactionReceivedStartDate | Start date for which the transaction was sent. |
transactionReceivedEndDate | Date on which the transaction was completed. 📝 Dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format, as in 2021-03-31. |
The mandatory Start Date and End Date values define a range, so your request can query for the status of all attachment transactions for the submitter during that time period. You can further focus these queries using the patient's name and other optional metadata values. This query is possible only by metadata search.
field is required; it prevents the API users from searching for medical information to which they do not have legal access, whether mistakenly or deliberately.
Filtering Metadata searches
To filter a metadata search query, add one or more of the following optional data attributes:
Field | Definition |
memberId | Patient's medical ID. |
patientFirstName | Patient's first name. |
patientLastName | Patient's last name. |
providerId | Medical Provider ID. |
providerFirstName | First name of the medical provider. |
providerLastName | Last name of the medical provider. |
controlNumber | Generated control number for the medical encounter. |
claimEndDate | End date of the medical claim. |
claimStartDate | Opening date of the claim. |
payerId | Identification number of the Payer to whom the claim is submitted. |
Metadata search request
To make the search more accurate, add one or two metadata values in the request body. See example in Metadata Search Request & Response.
Do not use the
value as a metadata search criteria.
Add more attributes in the request body to narrow the search if necessary.
Metadata search responses
Details and Status for a single Attachment. See example in Metadata Search Request & Response.
Most of the information that appears in a metadata search record is transactionDetails
content that originates from the transaction. If the transaction was successful, you can expect to see a NULL value for the rejectionInformation
field in the response.
StatuCode and StatusMessage fields
The statusCode
and statusMessage
fields are a code pair that simply describe the current non-failure state of the attachment transaction. The message TRANSACTION_RECEIVED
01) shows that the attachment's been received by the clearinghouse. Other messages include:
StatusMessage | StatusCode |
ACCEPTED _BY_CHC | statusCode 02 |
DELIVERED_TO_PAYER | statusCode 04 |
ACCEPTED_BY_PAYER | statusCode 06 |
PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED | statusCode 10 |
REJECTED_BY_CHC | statusCode 11 |
REJECTED_BY_PAYER | statusCode 12 |
- Status for Multiple Attachments in a Transaction, see example in Metadata Search Request & Response.
Check Standard Attachment Transaction statusCode Responses for more information about status messages.
If you send multiple documents for a single transaction, then the status
object for that submission can yield a PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED
status. It separately shows each file's status, as the payer processes each attachment file. Each file rejection will be noted with a rejectionInformation
field. See What do the status codes mean? for information about all the status messages.
Related Topic
Updated 26 days ago