Claim Status API JSON-to-EDI Contents
Use our OpenAPI Spec JSON file as a reference for development. Notes on the data in the following sections include:
- The Constraints column describes the minimum and maximum number of alphanumeric characters that a field entry can occupy: for example, 1/60 R is a Required field with a minimum of one and maximum of 60 characters.
- If a field is required, then the Constraints entry notes it.
For the Constraints column in each table, the following letters stand for specific meanings:
- R = Required (must be used if/when the object is part of the transaction);
- S = Situational (may be required depending on how the transaction content is structured).
Situational loops, segments, or elements can be Situational in two forms:
- Required
a condition is met, but can be used at the discretion of the sender if it is not required (for example, some descriptive notes can be added to a claim if necessary); - Required
a condition is met, but if not, the sender must not use it in the request ("Do not send").
To obtain a license that also provides access to the full requirements for these transactions, visit We make every effort to ensure consistency between our APIs and the X12 TR3. If there is a discrepancy, then the X12 TR3 is the final authority.
The Consolidated 276/277 Implementation Guide, p. 26 discusses this in further detail.
Claim Status (Response) 2200D/E
Field | Description | C/R |
controlNumber | Transaction Set Control Number. This is provided by the submitter. Unique ID used to trace the request. Value goes in ISA13 (no loop) | R 9/9 |
tradingPartnerServiceId | ID used by the clearinghouse for the trading partner. Loop 2100A, NM109. You can use the ConnectCenter CPID value as the tradingPartnerServiceId , from the searchable Optum Payer Lists npd and cap. | 2/80 R |
Name | Element | Description | Constraints |
providers (Object) | The providers involved with the medical claim. Generic for: 2100B - Billing (Information Receiver) 2100C - Service Providers | R | |
organizationName | NM103 | Org name for provider. Can use organization or last name. | 1/60 S |
firstName | NM104 | Maps to provider Name. | 1/35 S |
lastName | NM103 | Maps to provider last name. | 1/60 S |
One of the following NM109 identifiers is Required for this object. Also see the requirements for each ID type. | |||
npi | NM109 | National Provider Identification Code Qualifier. Maps to provider npi when providerType = ServiceProvider NM108=XX – National Provider Identifier (NPI) for Medicare/Medicaid Loop 2100C only. | 2/80 |
tin | NM109 | National Provider Identification Code Qualifier. Maps to provider tin when providerType = ServiceProvider NM108=FI – Federal Taxpayer’s ID Loop 2100C only. | 2/80 |
spn | NM109 | National Provider Identification Code Qualifier. Maps to provider spn when providerType = ServiceProvider NM108=SV Service Provider Number, Loop 2100C only. | 2/80 |
taxId | NM109 | Billing Tax ID. Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) used when providerType = BillingProvider Loop 2100B only. | 2/80 |
providerType | NM109 | Code for entity (Billing or Service) Billing Provider: Loop 2100B, NM101=41 (required) Service Provider: Loop 2100C, NM101=1P if not present, it is added; tin = BillingProvider taxId ID | 2/3 |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | Constraints |
subscriber (Object) | Medical insurance subscriber; includes the patient's insurance member ID and insurance policyNumber. | R | ||
memberId | NM109 | 2100D | The subscriber’s insurance member ID. Maps to subscriberId . | 2/80 R |
firstName | NM104 | 2100D | The subscriber’s first name as specified on their policy. Maps to subscriber firstName | 1/35 S |
lastName | NM103 | 2100D | The subscriber’s last name as specified on their policy. Maps to subscriber lastName . | 1/60 S |
dateOfBirth | DMG02 | 2000D | The subscriber’s birth date as specified on their policy Maps to subscriber birthDate . | 1/35 R |
gender | DMG03 | 2000D | The subscriber’s gender as specified on their policy. Required when available. | 1/1 S |
groupNumber | REF01 | 2200D | The subscriber’s group or policy number as specified on their policy. Maps to dependent groupNumber . | 1/50 S |
Name | Element | Loop | Description | Constraints |
dependent (Object) | Dependent of the policy holder (information about the insurance policy holder's dependent who received the medical services. | S | ||
firstName | NM104 | 2100E | Dependent’s first name. Maps to dependent firstName . | 1/35 R |
lastName | NM103 | 2100E | Dependent’s last name. Maps to dependent lastName . | 1/60 R |
gender | DM03 | 2000E | Dependent’s gender code. Options: F or M. Required if available. | 1/1 S |
dateOfBirth | DM02 | 2000E | Dependent’s birth date. Maps to dependent birthDate . | 1/35 S |
groupNumber | REF01 | 2200E | The group number associated with the dependent. Maps to dependent groupNumber . | 1/50 S |
Name | Elements | Description | Constraints |
encounter (Object) | The claim/encounter information, for example a doctor visit. Generic for: 2200D - Subscriber 2200E - Dependent | S | |
beginningDateOfService | DTP03 | Date Time Period: Start Date maps to claimServiceDateStart . | 1/35 R |
endDateOfService | DTP03 | Date Time Period: End Date maps to claimServiceDateEnd . | 1/35 R |
trackingNumber | TRN02 | The claim status tracking number assigned to the status query for the claim. | 1/50 R |
submittedAmount | AMT02 | Submitted total charges. Value goes in AMT02 where AMT01=T3 R | 1/18 R |
REF02 Values | Check the requirements for REF02 values and apply if known. | S | |
tradingPartnerClaimNumber | REF02 | The payer assigned claim number. Values go in REF02 where REF01=1K. Required when a claim is in the Information Source's system. | 1/50 S |
locationIdentifier | REF02 | R if application or location system identifier is known. Value goes in REF02 where REF01=LU | 1/50 S |
billingType | REF02 | Billing type reference ID. Example: billing type for inpatient services is 111. Value goes in REF02 where REF01=BLT. Required for institutional claims if search refinements are necessary. | 1/50 S |
patientAccountNumber | REF02 | Patient account number provided by service provider. Value goes in REF02 where REF01=EJ | 1/50 S |
pharmacyPrescriptionNumber | REF02 | Patient pharmacy prescription number. Value goes in REF02 where REF01=XZ Required if a pharmacy claim search needs additional search criteria. | 1/50 S |
clearingHouseClaimNumber | REF02 | Required when there is a Claim number provided by clearing house. Value goes in REF02 where REF01=D9 | 1/50 S |
Name | Description |
controlNumber | Provided by the submitter in the 270 Request. Transaction Set Control Number. |
tradingPartnerServiceId | ID used by clearinghouse for the trading partner. |
See the 276/277 Implementation Guide, pp. 224 and the OpenAPI specification for further details.
Name | Element | Loop | Description | Constraints |
payer (Object) | The person holding the insurance policy. | S | ||
organizationName | NM103 | 2100A | Organization Name, required. | 2/80 R |
payerIdentification | NM109 | 2100A | Payer identification (in the [Response 200 pop-up] (ref:claimstatus), the X12 segment in the payerIdentification is the same as that of the trandingPartnerServiceId .) | 2/80 R |
centersForMedicareAndMedicaidServicePlanId | NM109 | 2100A | Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Service Plan Id. If NM108 = XV, this field must be used to push the CMS ID into NM109 as Payer ID for this loop. | 2/80 S |
contactInformation (Object) | S | |||
name | PER02 | 2000A | Name of the person to contact | 1/35 S |
electronicDataInterChangeAccessNumber | PER[04,06,08] | 2000A | Electronic Data Interchange Access Number | 1/256 S |
email | PER[04,06,08] | 2000A | 1/256 S | |
Fax | PER[04,06,08] | 2000A | fax | 1/256 S |
phone | PER[04,06,08] | 2000A | phone | 1/256 S |
phoneExtension | PER[04,06,08] | 2000Av | Phone Extension | 1/256 S |
Name | Elements | Description | Constraint |
providers (Array of objects) | Generic for: Billing (Information Receiver Loop 2100B) Service Providers (Loop 2100C) | R | |
organizationName | NM103 | Provider’s organization name. Can use organization or last name. | 1/60 S |
firstName | NM104 | Provider first name. Maps to providerName | 1/35 S |
lastName | NM103 | Provider last name. Can use organization or last name. Maps to provider lastname . | 1/60 S |
One of the following NM109 IDs is required. | |||
npi | NM109 | National Provider Identification Code Qualifier. Maps to provider npi . NM108=XX | 2/80 R |
taxId | NM109 | Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN). Established by Trading Partner agreement. NM108=FI | 2/80 R |
providerType | NM101 | Billing, Attending, Operating, Other Operating, Rendering Code for entity (Billing or Service) Billing Provider: Loop 2100B, NM101=41 (required) Service Provider: Loop 2100C, NM101=1P if this is not present it is added; npi = BillingProvider taxId ID | 2/3 R |
Name | Element | Description | Constraints |
subscriber (Object) | R | ||
memberId | NM109 | Member ID for the subscriber. Maps to subscriberId . | 2/80 R |
firstName | NM104 | Subscriber’s first name. Maps to subscriber firstName | 1/35 S |
lastName | NM103 | Subscriber’s last name. Maps to subscriber lastName . | 1/60 S |
Name | Element | Description | Constraints |
dependent (Object) | S | ||
firstName | NM104 | Dependent’s first name. Maps to dependent firstName . | 1/35 S |
lastName | NM103 | Dependent’s last name. Maps to dependent lastName . | 1/60 S |
See the 276/277 Implementation Guide, pp. 137 and the OpenAPI specification for further details.
Name | Element | Description | Constraints |
claimStatus (Object) | Generic for: 2200D - Subscriber 2200E - Dependent | S | |
statusCategoryCode | STC01-1 | Healthcare claim status category code. Code from a specific industry code list. Example: F3 | 1/30 R |
statusCategoryCodeValue | Value of the Status category code. Example: F3=Finalized/Revised - Changes to Adjudication information | 1/30 R | |
statusCode | STC01-02 | Status of the claim or a service line. Example: 3 | 1/30R |
statusCodeValue | Text describing the status code. Example: 3=Claim has been adjudicated and is awaiting payment cycle. | 1/100 R | |
entityCode | ST01-03 | Code identifying an organizational entity, location, property or an individual. Example: 2P | 2/3 S |
entity | ST01-03 | Text describing the entity code. Example: 2P value is Public Health Service Facility | 1/100 S |
effectiveDate | STC02 | Date the claim was placed in this status by the information source’s adjudication process. Format: YYYYMMDD | 8/8 R |
submittedAmount | STC04 | Total claim charge amount. This value may differ from the submitted total claim charge due to claim splitting and other claims processing instructions. | 1/18 S |
amountPaid | STC05 | Claim payment amount. | 1/18 S |
paidDate | STC06 | Date of the denial or approval of the claim. Format: YYYYMMDD | 8/8 S |
checkIssueDate | STC08 | Check issue or EFT funds available date. Format: YYYYMMDD | 8/8 S |
checkNumber | STC09 | Check or EFT trace number. | 1/16 S |
trackingNumber | TRN02 | Referenced transaction trace number. Provides unique ID for the transaction. | 1/50 R |
claimServiceDate | DTP03 | Claim service period. Date or Date range, format YYYYMMDD | 1/35 R |
One REF02 value is required, based on the REF01 code. | |||
tradingPartnerClaimNumber | REF02 | The payer’s assigned control number. REF01 = 1K | 1/50 |
patientAccountNumber | REF02 | The Patient Account Number. REF01 = EJ | 1/50 |
clearingHouseClaimNumber | REF02 | The clearing house Claim Number. REF01 = D9 | 1/50 |
Name | Element | Description | Constraints |
serviceDetails (Array of Objects) | Generic for: 2200D - Subscriber 2200E - Dependent | S | |
service (Object) | Required when status is requested for Service Lines. | S | |
serviceIdQualifierCode | SVC01-1 | Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number in Product/Service ID. Code Example: AD See the X12 EDI 277 implementation guide for more details. | 2/2 R |
serviceIdQualifier | String associated with the service code. Example: American Dental Association Codes | 1/100 R | |
procedureId | SVC01-2 | Identifying number for a product or service. | 1/48 R |
submittedAmount | SVC02 | Amount submitted for the service. This is the line item total on the current claim service status. | 1/18 R |
amountPaid | SVC03 | Amount paid for the service. | 1/18 |
revenueCode | SVC04 | National uniform billing committee revenue code. | 1/48 S |
submittedUnits | SVC07 | Original submitted units of service. | 1/15 R |
status (Array) | |||
statusCategoryCode | STC01-1 | The health care claim status category code. Example: F3 | 1/30 R |
statusCategoryCodeValue | Explanatory value of the category code. F3 = Finalized/Revised - Adjudication information has been changed | R | |
statusCode | STC01-2 | Status code used to identify the status of an entire claim or a service line. Example: 3 | 1/30 R |
statusCodeValue | Status Code explanatory value. 3 = Claim has been adjudicated and is awaiting payment cycle. | 1/100 R | |
entityCode | STC01-3 | Code for the entity. Example: 2P See the X12 EDI 277 implementation guide for more details. | 2/3 S |
entity | Explanatory value of the entity code. Example: 2P = Public Health Service Facility | 1/100 S | |
effectiveDate | STC02 | Effective date of the status information. The date the service was placed in this status by the information source’s adjudication. Date or Date range, format YYYYMMDD | 8/8 R |
Name | Description |
errorResponse (Object) | |
code | Code for the error. Example: INVALIDMISSINGINPUTDATA |
description | Description of the error code. Value provided in Payer ID should be a valid Optum assigned ERA Payer ID. |
errors (Array of objects) | |
field | Attribute that is bad. |
value | Value of that attribute. |
code | Code for the error. Example: INVALIDVALUE |
location | Segment/location where error occurred. If this is a network/system error, there is no location attribute. Example: $.payerBenefits[0].payer |
followupAction | Follow-up action required for the error. For AAA errors, this is the value for AAA04 |
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Updated 5 months ago