Attachments Submission V1 Getting Started
Attachments Submission v1 API
See Attachments in electronic data interchange and their use in our APIs.
The Attachments Submission API supports the X12 EDI 275 Patient Information transaction. It translates this standard to the more-readable Javascript Object Notation (JSON), so it is more accessible to developers and more easily integrated into users’ applications.
The attachments submission take two forms: Solicited and Unsolicited.
- For Unsolicited attachment, consider workman's compensation claims. Attachments illustrating the conditions giving rise to the claim are required in all worker's compensation claims, hence they are called unsolicited claims.
Worker's Compensation Requirements
To send attachments to Worker's Compensation agencies, you must enroll beforehand. If you expect to do so when your API services are up and running, contact your Optum representative for more information about enrollment.
- Solicited attachments submission usually are sent by providers to payers that request documentation for a claim.
An attachment, in the context of healthcare electronic data interchange (EDI), is an electronic rendition of medical documentation, such as an X-ray, lab report, or questionnaire, to support a healthcare administrative transaction.
File formats supported by Batch medical attachments
Our Attachments Submission API supports the following formats for 275 attachments: JPG, TIF, TIFF, PDF, JPEG, and PNG. Payers provide varying support for these formats. Consult your Optum representative to determine which formats your payers can work with.
Our attachment solution includes workers’ compensation attachments and medical attachments. Any receiver who does not support electronic attachments will receive the documentation through fax or mail.
The attachment solution includes workers’ compensation attachments and medical attachments. Any receiver who does not support electronic attachments receives the documentation via fax or mail.
- If you only plan to use a few daily transactions, then you can use our ConnectCenter for your Medical Network transaction needs.
It provides most of the features supported by an API console but only allows manual entry for all data needed for a transaction. It contains Payer Lists, the Payer List Enrollments wizard, and other API customer resources.- For providers sending hundreds of daily requests, we recommend using our APIs to be able to automate the submission processes and have a better fit for your business needs.
For examples, see API Examples.
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Updated 26 days ago