Submit a new eligibility request


Provided a valid request, this endpoint will dispatch a new real time transaction request to our internal engine.

Coverage Discovery Integration

If you are enrolled in Coverage Discovery at the time of the request and the submission results in non-eligible coverage, the Coverage Discovery workflow will be started automatically. In this scenario, a "link" response header will contain reference(s) to executed coverage discovery task(s), e.g. '</coverage-discovery/0716e3e8-87ee-11ee-b9d1-0242ac120002>; title="coverage discovery - Task 1"; rel="related", </coverage-discovery/0e565a58-87ee-11ee-b9d1-0242ac120002>; title="coverage discovery - Task 2"; rel="related"'). With each reference, retrieve more information on the status of the record via the /coverage-discovery/{id} endpoint. If conditions were not met, the link response header will not contain any /coverage-discovery reference.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!