Submit new discovery task(s)


You must be enrolled in the Coverage Discovery feature in order to use this system!

Coverage Discovery is an async process that initializes new coverage discovery paths, based on the task(s) defined on the "active" customer configuration and on the on the details of the provided canonicalEligibilityRequest OR the provided canonicalEligibilityResponse. If successful, the first response is a receipt with either a 202 status accepted for a single record or 207 if more than one record was produced from the request and the customer is configured for multiple tasks.
To test if the request meets conditions to generate tasks, see the Dry Run section.

Dry Run

To validate that your request meets expected conditions for the paths in which your tasks are configured, include the dryRun = true field in the request body. As a dry run, the request execute any discovery nor create any records; instead, the endpoint will verify your request against the configured paths in the rules engine. The response will indicate which paths met conditions and which paths failed validation.

If successful, the first response is a receipt with either a 200 status for a single task or 207 if more than one task was produced with a status(es) of 200 in the request body. If no paths qualify, a 422 will be returned for a single task, and a 207 for multi-task with status(es) 422 in the request body (see DryRunMultiStatusMixedResponse example).

Callback API

Due to the long-running nature of the discovery process, all concluded task responses will be communicated asynchronously via the provided request.callbackUrl. If this is your first time using callbacks via Swagger, check out the "Callbacks" tab next to "Parameters".

The API specified in the callbackUrl that will receive the asynchronous response once discovery finishes must meet the customer-specific whitelisting requirements defined by your team. Please reach out to support if you need to configure whitelisting! This API must meet the defined callback structure in the "CustomerCallbacks" tab!

If you are unsure about the details of your request and how they might produce eligible discovery paths, you can utilize the "dryRun" field to test the request without executing any transactions! If "dryRun" is enabled, then the response will occur synchronously and ignore the callback capability described above.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!