Submit a New Eligibility Request


Provided a valid request, this endpoint will dispatch a new real-time transaction request to our internal engine.

Coverage Discovery Integration

If you are enrolled in Coverage Discovery at the time of the request and the submission results in non-eligible coverage, the Coverage Discovery workflow will be started automatically. In this scenario, a "link" response header will contain reference(s) to executed coverage discovery task(s), e.g. '</coverage-discovery/0716e3e8-87ee-11ee-b9d1-0242ac120002>; title="coverage discovery - Task 1"; rel="related", </coverage-discovery/0e565a58-87ee-11ee-b9d1-0242ac120002>; title="coverage discovery - Task 2"; rel="related"'). With each reference, retrieve more information on the status of the record via the /coverage-discovery/{id} endpoint. If conditions were not met, the link response header will not contain any /coverage-discovery reference.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!