Clinical Document Collector API

Product Overview

Help Improve Operations and Payment Accuracy

Make medical record retrieval easy with our API. Real-time access to clinical documents helps you: better manage risk adjustment; improve interventions, HEDIS scores, and plan designs; reduce wasteful spending; and ensure accurate payments with faster adjudication.

You can access seven document types, including:

  • Continuity of care
  • Consultation notes
  • Discharge summary
  • History and physical
  • Operative notes
  • Progress notes
  • Procedure notes

Our network consists of more than 90 million individuals and it is expanding at a rate of three-to-five million monthly¹.

Features and Benefits:

  • An industry-standard API interface integrates our platform into the native workflows of your analytics and risk-management platforms and into your care-coordination and quality-management systems.
  • Our plug-and-play API minimizes your technical investment and expedites use of our service.
  • Accessing and collecting clinical documents electronically (vs. manually) helps enhance the security of PHI.

¹Change Healthcare internal statistics


The Clinical Document Collector provides access to patient clinical documents from remote, authoritative data repositories.

To support this functionality, this service implements a profiled Task resource that provides the vehicle for submitting a request for document retrieval, as well as the patient information and provider information necessary to locate documents. The Task itself serves to communicate progress information to the data requestor, including the location of the retrieved documents once the Task is completed.

How to Try an API?

Refer to the Getting Started section on how to use an API.


For additional support, email Clinical Document Collector Support to create a support case.


Release NotesFAQ
View our Change Log/Release Notes for information about the history of our programmatic updates for the Clinical Document Collector API.Check out our FAQ for help with specific questions about this API!